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Data Security in the Cloud

Data Security in the Cloud

Cloud computing is used by many businesses, including small to medium-sized companies. Reasons for moving to the cloud include the desire for someone else to operate and maintain infrastructure, and to use a pay-as-you-go subscription model. In spite of the draw of...
Business Benefits of Data Governance

Business Benefits of Data Governance

Data collection by businesses is a given, and a great deal of data is collected by a business in the process of performing its functions. In turn, it can help a business perform its role. For data to be used well, it must be of top quality, be available, and kept...
Examine Data Security Policies for Remote Work

Examine Data Security Policies for Remote Work

Nearly a year after the pandemic closed business offices worldwide, remote work is the norm. Keeping your company’s computer network strong and secure is of great importance. Even now, businesses may want to revisit decisions made so quickly last March. Read on to...